Searching and accessing content
The navigation is slow, it takes a long time to load the content
For an optimal use of the platform, we recommend the latest version of Google Chrome or, alternatively, the latest version of Firefox or Edge (for PC) or Firefox or Safari (for Macintosh). As for the operating system, we recommend Windows 10 or Linux ...
How can I download my book's audios?
Once you have activated your book's resources, click on the book's cover. Go to "MÁS RECURSOS" section and open "Pistas audio" in the corresponding unit. To download the audios, click on the icon with the three dots at the top right corner of the ...
Dónde están las soluciones/respuestas? - FOR TEACHERS ONLY
Cómo profesor, puedes encontrar las soluciones del cuaderno de ejercicios entrando en Recursos > Más recursos > Otros recursos Y las soluciones del libro del alumno en el libro del profesor o la edición anotada para docentes dentro de los recursos ...
Where is the teacher's book?
You can find the teacher's book ("libro del profesor" or "edición anotada para docentes") within the resources of the corresponding textbook, in Más recursos > Otros recursos..
Where is the exercise book?
When you add a book to your content on the platform, it includes the resources in both the student book and the workbook. If you have access to the digital book, you will find the digital workbook after the student book. You can click on the icon on ...
How can I access the audios in the exercise book/"Más ejercicios" section?
When you add a book to your contents on the platform, the resources for both the student book and the exercise book are included. To play the exercise book audio files, open the window with the audio files for the corresponding unit and click on the ...