How can I reactivate my 31-day access with ISBN code?
The access to the free digital resources of your book (audio, videos, transcriptions, etc.) activated with the ISBN code of the printed textbook will last for 31 days. However, as long as the textbook is still available for sale and therefore still ...
I have forgotten my password to log in to the Campus Difusión platform. How can I reset it?
Go to the home page and, from the login window, click on the ‘forgotten password’ link. Then enter your registered email address and click on the request new password button. You will receive an email with instructions on how to reset your password. ...
Access the video tutorials on how to use the platform and consult the user guide
To access the video tutorials, click here. To consult the platform's user guide, click here.
Gestión de mi suscripción - ONLY FOR TEACHERS
La gestión de la suscripción se hace desde la tienda de Difusión. Debes entrar en "Mi cuenta" en la esquina superior derecha de la pantalla y abrir tu sesión y después hacer clic en "Mis suscripciones" . Desde en la sección “Mis suscripciones” de tu ...
View the platform user guides / Download the student user guide (available in French, English and Spanish)
Para acceder a la guía de uso de la plataforma del profesor, haz clic aquí You can download here Campus Difusión platform student user guide in English. Puedes descargar aquí la guía del estudiante de la plataforma Campus Difusión en español. Vous ...
Buy an access to the Campus platform: List of available digital accesses
Tabla de contenido Below you will find details of the different accesses available to Campus Difusión:Campus Difusión digital accesses are strictly for individual use and cannot be shared. DIGITAL ACCESS FOR TEACHERS AND STUDENTS: Access to a digital ...
I have purchased a printed textbook , how can I access the audio tracks and other free resources?
As a user of one of our printed books, you have access to all its free digital resources on the Campus Difusión platform . If you are not yet registered on the Diffusion website, you can do so by clicking on this link. To access the associated ...
I cannot access the resources of my printed textbook - My access to the content with the ISBN code has expired.
The access to the free digital resources of your book (audio, videos, transcriptions, etc.) activated with the ISBN code of the printed textbook will last for 31 days. However, as long as the textbook is still available for sale and therefore still ...
I can't find my access code
- If you have purchased the hybrid edition, the code you need to enter can be found in the manual: When you open the book, on the back cover, you'll find all the information you need to access the Campus platform, as well as the access code, as you ...