I have created a group and I want to add more students to it. How can I do it?
To add students to your groups, go to the "Groups" tab" and click on the group to which you wish to add new students. On the group window, click on "Edit" on the top right corner to add the new students.
In the window that will open, on the "Members" tab, you will see a list of all your users, which includes all students who are already part of any of your groups. Click the square next to their name to add or remove them from the group. To apply the changes, remember to click "Save" at the bottom of the window.
To add a student who is not yet among your users, you will have to send them the group code outside the platform. The student will have to access Campus Difusión from their account, click on the blue "Add code" button and introduce the group code to join it.
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