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How can I delete an assignment?
Only the assignments in the "Upcoming" category, which are not visible to students yet, can be deleted. At the moment it is not possible to delete assignments in the "Active" and "Completed" categories. Even if you delete the users or groups they ...
My group code doesn't work
To join a group, you must click on "Add code" and introduce a 6-character code that your teacher will provide you. If your code doesn't work, it can be because: you didn't write the code correctly. Check that you did not add or eliminate any ...
Where can I find the group code?
To find your group code, click on the corresponding group on the "Groups" tab. On the group panel, click on "Edit" on the top right corner. On the following window, you will find the group code on the left part of the screen. If you hadn't activated ...
How do I create a group?
To create a group, you will need to click on the "Groups" tab and then on "Create group" (if you don't have any groups yet) or on "+ Add group", on the top left corner of the screen (if you already have groups in your profile). A window will open ...
How do I join my teacher's group?
In order to join a group, your teacher will need to send you a 6-character code. Once you have the code, you can redeem it to join the group by clicking on "+ Add code", in the dropdown menu that opens when you click on the icon next to your name on ...