How can I review and evaluate the activities that my students have completed independently?

How can I review and evaluate the activities that my students have completed independently?

To track the work your students have done independently (not as part of assignments), go to the "Markbook" tab of the corresponding textbook or to the "Students markbook" tab of the group the students belong to.. Click on the name of the student whose progress you want to see. If you have a lot of students, you can use the "Search", "Filter" and "Sort by" tools to find them more easily.

If you are checking the "Students markbook" tab of a group that has more than one textbook associated to it, you will first see the average score for all the textbooks. When you click on a student's name, you will see the individual score for each textbook.

Click on the book row to see its scores in detail. You will first see the student's average score and the score for each of the skills.

By scrolling down, you will be able to see all the activities the student has completed. If any of them needs manual marking, you will see a blue pencil icon. To correct the activity, click on the (i) icon to unfold all the information of the activity and then click on "Review".

You can follow the same steps to review your students' answers in the self-correcting activities that already have a score and add written or oral feedback.